lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec festival secretary mattis, pulvinar dapibus webmaster leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, webmaster elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Llanelli Ramblers will shortly be trialling the re-introduction of group walks, under the guidance of Ramblers HQ and following the advice and regulations set out by the Welsh Government. All walks – including for the time being those organised for and by the Monday Homers and Roamers – will be advertised on the Programme page. A limited number of walkers (to be determined by each walk leader and up to a maximum of 15) will be able to go on each walk and walkers will need to pre-book with the walk leader – we ask that members do not turn up on the day without pre-booking.
Please note the following important points –
- Avoid car-sharing to the start of a walk;
- On the walk, observe 2 metres social distancing at all times;
- Avoid touching path furniture such as gates and stiles if at all possible, or use hand sanitizer if necessary;
- Don’t share food, drink or equipment;
- Allow oncoming walkers/cyclists to pass safely;
- If you or a member of your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 within the 2 weeks following a walk, in addition to arranging for a COVID-19 test please also inform the walk leader.
The safety of all our members is paramount, so please familiarise yourself with the guidance that has been emailed to everyone by our Walks Programme Secretary. The following documents can also be downloaded by clicking on the links:
Trimsaran Colliery